
A series of moments reminds us of our sense of place before continuing on the journey home.


The inspiration begins with prominent murals by LIC based street artist duo, Faile, which spans all sides of the facade.

Faile’s work challenges the contrast between the outside bustle and inner calm of the residences. Further, the artist deliberately blurs the line between “high” and “low” culture - a symbol of inclusivity and community at The Green House.

Jen Lewin

Upon entering the lobby, residents are greeted with a stunning installation of “Flux Chandelier” by internationally renowned Brooklyn-based artist and engineer, Jen Lewin, whose work has been featured across the globe. The interactive pendants provide an opportunity to engage with the art as colors change through movement.

Plant Wall Design

In the background of the lobby hangs a living plant wall, blurring the inside with outside and allowing for a breath of fresh air as residents take in the day. Fundamental to the inspiration behind The Green House, the living wall symbolizes nature, wellness, and growth.